UKMT Junior Mathematics Challenge
On Thursday April 26th, a group of students from set 1 mathematics classes in Year 7 and 8 took part in the UKMT Junior Mathematics Challenge. This is a prestigious, national competition that allows students to measure themselves against the best mathematicians in the country.
All students who took part showed determination in attempting the challenging puzzles that made up the competition paper. To recognise the highest performers in the Challenge, UKMT award the top-scoring
40% of participants bronze, silver and gold certificates in the ratio 3:2:1. Maiden Erlegh School in Reading had 46 students who were awarded for their high performing achievements.
Special mention must go to Eliza Rozek (Yr8) who achieved the highest score from Maiden Erlegh School in Reading and Sushant Shahi (Yr7) who was the top scorer from his year group. Both students achieved
gold certificates.
Congratulations to all those who took part; the mathematics department are certainly proud of your efforts and you should be too.