In-Year Admissions
New Joiners and In Year Admissions
Welcome to Maiden Erlegh School in Reading, we would like to ensure that your transition to us is as smooth as possible, so in addition to meeting key members of the school before you join, we have put together this webpage to help guide you through the process and answer a number of frequently asked questions.
What happens when I am offered a place at Maiden Erlegh School in Reading?
The school office will make contact with you and will set up an admissions meeting. There will be lots of forms to complete and these need to be returned to the school office or brought to the meeting. A copy of the students’ passport or birth certificate also needs to be brought to the admissions meeting. The meeting will cover:
- The school day
- School expectations (uniform, behaviour, appearance, etc.)
- Understanding more about the student at their previous school
- Collect any data you may have from your previous school
- Go through the admission forms
- We will check the students’ passport, date of birth and sign the required form
- If you are in Y9-11 then option choices will need to be discussed and examination entries
- A start date will be agreed
- Answer any questions you may have
Before you join us you will need to buy a Maiden Erlegh School in Reading uniform. The details of what you will need and where you can buy it from are available here.
What happens on your first day?
On your first day if you come to reception then your Head of Year or your new Tutor will be able to collect you and show you where to go. They will introduce you to your tutor group and then give you your timetable.
School Day
The timings for our school day are shown below. You need to be at school by 8.30am ready to go into registration with your tutor. If you arrive in your tutor room after 8.40am you will be marked late. You will told by your tutor which lunch time you will have each day and this will happen before, during or after Lesson 4 on a Monday to Thursday. On a Friday the school day times are a little different, as you have extra time with your tutor in the morning and the school day finishes a little earlier.
Daily School Life
After School Clubs: The after school clubs available each term will be communicated to students on the school notices, on the PE and music notice boards or if you want more information the students can ask their tutor. There will not be a letter from the school, so it may help if students write after school clubs in their homework diaries so you can see what they are doing when you sign their diary each week.
Sporting Fixtures: These will be on the website and it is the students’ responsibility to write this in their homework diary. You will be asked to complete a medical form, giving consent for your child to be involved. A letter will not be sent home for each fixture.
Medical: If your child has a medical appointment or is absent from school please email straight to: and this also means that you do not need to send in a written note afterwards. If this is not possible, please ring the school on the 1st day of absence. On the day of return the tutor will need a note explaining the reason for absence.
Mobile Phones: Many students have their own mobile phone. This has to be switched off when on the school grounds (inside the school gates). If they are found making a phone call, texting or checking their phone they will be sanctioned. If they need to make an emergency phone call they need to find a member of staff and get permission to use their phone first.
Emergency Contact Numbers: Please ensure your child has a list of key contact numbers for you (you can write these in the back of their homework diary). Please also ensure that the school has all of your up to date phone numbers, work numbers, mobile phones numbers and other emergency contacts.
Dealing with Issues: Subject specific queries are best addressed to the respective class teacher, via e-mail or by telephoning the school. A list of HODs (Heads of Department) & HOFs (Heads of Faculty) are in your child’s diary, alternatively you can email the school office and they will forward your email directly to the teacher. Generic concerns can be sent straight to their tutor and they can then solve them together with the Head of Year.