Year 9 Options

Year 9 Options

At Maiden Erlegh School in Reading, all students in Key Stage 4 will follow the same core curriculum at GCSE examination level.

Making curriculum choices in Year 9 is a very important decision as it will shape your child’s time at school for the next two years and beyond. It is also an exciting opportunity to think very carefully about their future aspirations and how they can build upon their strengths to achieve them.

At KS4, students at MER will study core subjects which are compulsory, but in addition, students will have a choice of optional subjects. It is important for students to choose subjects that they enjoy and are interested in so that they will be motivated to work hard. It is also important for students to consider the courses most suitable for them, taking into account their own strengths, weaknesses and next steps (eg. career aspirations). 

Year 9 GCSE Subject Information Evening

Choosing your courses in Year 9 is the first step in an exciting journey. At Maiden Erlegh Reading, we provide parents and students with information and advice to help them to make those informed decisions. The first important step is our Year 9 GCSE Subject Information Event, when the options process is explained in detail.

On Thursday 30th January 2025, we will run an evening at Maiden Erlegh Reading for our current Year 9 students and their families during which they will hear from Subject Leaders about what is involved in each subject at GCSE.

The information shared on this evening will reflect the content of the Options Booklet (coming soon) and is intended to give students and their parents an additional source of information to help them make the best-informed decisions possible.

Our Year 9 Options Booklet will be printed and distributed to students and will also available to download.