School Uniform

Maiden Erlegh School in Reading is a uniform school.

From our experience and observations of other schools, there is no doubt that schools that maintain high standards of dress and appearance are more successful.  Students who take pride in their dress are more likely to take pride in their work.

In seeking to maintain high standards at Maiden Erlegh School in Reading, we regard the full support and co-operation of our parents as essential.

The full list of uniform requirements can be found in our school uniform policy accessed HERE.

4 Chatham Place

You can also order school uniform from Stevensons on-line. You will first need to register but this is very straight forward and can be done by visiting their website using the following address:

Our school badge is the focal point of our school blazer, featuring the Maiden Erlegh Griffin and the common motto across the Maiden Erlegh trust schools: “Qui, Veut, Peut” – If you want to, you can. This nicely sums up our approach to learning and life and reaffirms our belief that Maiden Erlegh School in Reading is a place that provides opportunity and nurtures success.

Second Hand Uniform

We are always very keen to receive ties and blazers, which often seem to be in demand! Thank you in anticipation of your support with this.

Help Buying Uniform

We recognise that in these difficult times that some of our families may struggle to purchase school uniform. If you are in receipt of Pupil Premium or struggling to purchase uniform, then please contact your child's Head of Year.

Lost Property

If your son or daughter has lost a piece of uniform or equipment, please encourage them to retrace their steps and check at Student Services. We dispose of items at the end of each half term and donate items to charity that are not collected. Unfortunately, parents are not allowed to search classrooms or other areas within the school, as this is a matter of safeguarding our school community.